We have now opened the store to anyone who wishes to shop with us. However, we are still a LOOONG way from being done. We have less than 2% of our stock online and are currently working through a lot of issues (i.e. health problems, very small staff, etc.). Please pray for us and be as patient as you can. Currently, the online department consists of one person with another assisting when able. One quarter of our staff can't do anything with the online store without assistance and another quarter can't do anything involving computers (which is understandable at 84 years young). Just for clarification, there are only 4 people that are "staff", so you can see how this can be a difficult situation.
If you have any questions about our stock or would like to see if an item is available that doesn't show online, please call the store @ (574)753-4888 or email us at canaanlandincorporated@gmail.com We will be very happy to assist you in finding what you need!
Once again, thank you for your patience and may God richly bless you!